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Home Overview FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software
FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software
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FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图 FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software截图
FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software
Whether it's a single line of source code, entries in log files, legal summaries, or letters you send to your family, FileLocator Pro can help you quickly locate them. Its unique functionality allows for the mining of more information, even in uncommon file formats, supporting retrieval.
Standard Technician Concurrent
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FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software

FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software

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Whether it's a line of source code, entries in log files, legal abstracts, or letters you send to your family, FileLocator Pro can help you quickly find them.

Its unique features enable the mining of more information, even for uncommon file formats, and support retrieval.

Simply search and display

View highlighted keywords and surrounding text so you don't have to waste time opening each file to find the correct information.

Document browsing

Different views allow you to only see the highlighted hits or hits within the context of the entire file. Including syntax highlighting for easier source code reading and support for most programming languages.

  1. Hundreds of formats

Whether your information is stored in PDF files, Office documents, or archived in ZIP files, FileLocator Pro mines it out.

  1. Outlook Search

Search multiple PST files for email, contacts, and calendar items at once.

  1. Index options available

Search can be non indexed or indexed. Index search allows for almost instant searching of data through GB.

  1. Multiple user-defined indexes can be created and shared in the network.

There are no backend indexes that consume valuable CPU cycles, nor are there secret indexes that steal valuable disk space. You can control your PC.

  1. Report and export

Understand, summarize, and share results with FileLocator Pro's reporting and export capabilities.

Difference in authorized versions:

  1. Standard version: Each licensed designated user can install the software for use on up to 3 Windows installations (such as work, home, laptop).
  2. Technician version: Each licensed designated user can install the software on an unlimited number of Windows installations for their use.
  3. Concurrent version: The license is not specific to a particular designated user, but can be shared among active users. Estimate the maximum number of concurrent users for the activity and purchase the license accordingly.
FileLocator Pro professional full-text search tool software LOGO

Official website:https://www.mythicsoft.com/filelocatorpro/

Download Center:https://filelocator.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manually processing orders

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Supports one-year updates and upgrades, and supports minor version updates after one year.

Pre purchase trial:30 day free trial.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 3 computers.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:Run software> Click on Help> Registration Code; Enter registration information to activate.

Special instructions:To be added.

Reference materials:https://www.mythicsoft.com/filelocatorpro/buy/

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